The Prologue

About Me


Carnegie Mellon University

In May 2023, I received my Master in Entertainment Technology (MET) degree from the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, focusing in Location-Based Entertainment (LBE) and Themed Entertainment.

I also completed my undergraduate education at Carnegie Mellon, graduating with Collegiate and University Honors and receiving a B.S. in Mechanical Engineering with an additional major in Psychology and a minor in Robotics. As an undergrad, I worked alongside the ETC to design an adaptive, learning-based puzzle room, which inspired me to eventually enroll there as a Masters student. For more about my design experience, please take a look at The Story.

Additionally, I am a member of the Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) and the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA). I have also mentored students in multiple subjects as a part of the Physics Concepts Program and CovEducation, and have served as the Vice President of Marching for the Kiltie Band and as a Graduated Student Association (GSA) representative for the ETC.

University of Newcastle

During the spring of my Junior year (Spring 2020), I had the opportunity to study abroad for a semester at the University of Newcastle (UoN) in New South Wales, Australia. Being on the other side of the world, UoN provided me with a myriad of new experiences within and beyond the classroom, and introduced me to a fundamentally different methodology of teaching.

I also had several extraordinary opportunities to experience Australian life and culture. I was fortunate enough to go scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef, visit the Blue Mountains national park, experience Aboriginal culture at the Rainforest Station in Cairns, visit multiple wildlife reserves, and take a "behind the scenes" tour of the Sydney Opera House.

Unfortunately, my experience abroad was cut short due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and I was forced to return back to the United States in late March. Although I was only able to spend two months at UoN, I absolutely loved the experience and hope to return to Australia soon.

Metea Valley High School

I graduated as salutatorian and summa cum laude from Metea Valley High School (MVHS) in Aurora, Illinois. During my time there, I served as vice president, and then president of the VEX Robotics Team, as well as build captain of Science Olympiad. Upon graduation, I received the Department of Science Award, and was named an Indian Prairie Scholar.

Additionally, I worked on nine different stage productions, taking on both theatrical and technical roles. I was employed part time as a member of the Metea Valley Auditorium Staff, running the light and sound boards for various events. I am also a member of the International Thespian Society (ITS) Troupe 7569.

Hobbies and Interests

Ballroom Dancing

I began dancing my Freshman year of college, but truly started dedicating time to the sport beginning my Sophomore year. Thus far, I have taken two formal classes offered by Carnegie Mellon as well as private lessons at Arthur Murray in Glenview, IL. This picture features one of my instructors, Mr. Dan Doyle, with whom I danced a Swing routine in July 2019.

I consider myself to be a Bronze-level follow in American style Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Cha Cha, Rumba, and Swing, but I am also familiar with Jive, Samba, Salsa, Bachata, Viennese Waltz, and Merengue. 

Rock Climbing

Although I am not particularly accomplished in the sport, I greatly enjoy the challenge that comes with rock climbing. I often climb with my friends at Vertical Endeavors in Glendale Heights, IL, and Iron City Boulders in Pittsburgh, PA. This picture showcases a Christmas-themed partner climb I completed in January 2020.

With the United States lock down due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I lost the chance to climb as frequently as I had previously. As a result, I endeavored to construct my own freestanding, adjustable climbing wall over the 2020 summer. For more, please see the Rock-Climbing Wall project page.

Contact Information


Phone: +1 (630) 308-5477


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